Whether you’re new to Read Write Inc. Phonics or have taught it for years – there’s plenty of great advice and guidance in this blog for you.
Read moreWhether you’re new to Read Write Inc. Phonics or have taught it for years – there’s plenty of great advice and guidance in this blog for you.
Read moreInclusion is one of those words we hear often in education but what does it really mean and what does it look like? Emmanuel Awoyelu shares some ways you can create an inclusive environment for your students
Read moreAs we get ready for September, after so much recent disruption, one of the groups who are most likely to be worried about the year ahead will be Year 10. They may be feeling apprehensive about learning everything in time for the exams, so it’s important that we encourage them, let them know that we […]
Read moreSarah Eggleton suggests some strategies and tips to help you plan how to assess your students, identify learning gaps and start the catch-up process for those who need extra support at the start of the new school year. We know that the pandemic has hit those children who are disadvantaged the hardest, but it will […]
Read moreWe’re all aware of the importance of time management for teaching. The start of a new school year is the perfect time to take stock and ask: are your departmental meetings effective, or are you meeting for meeting’s sake? When I joined a new school (and thus a new department) I decided to give myself […]
Read moreAs the summer holidays draw to an end, I’m starting to think about adjusting back to a life of to-do lists. As a teacher, form tutor and Head of Department at a Secondary school, being organised has always been critical for me. There are so many plates to spin as a teacher that I don’t […]
Read moreWe know that starting a new school year can sometimes be daunting – especially when you’re going to be working with new resources. If you’re using Numicon for the first time this September, there’s no need to worry! Lydia Davison – class teacher at Overdale Junior School – has the answers to your questions. How […]
Read moreIt’s been another incredibly challenging year for the teaching profession and I hope you’ve managed to take a well-earned break over the holidays. In the run-up to results days and the start of term, we share a few reflections and themes from the last year as well as some of your feedback on how we’ve done in supporting you along the way.
Read moreEleonora Crovato revels in those lightbulb moments when students make connections with their previous learning. In this unusual year for year 6 to year 7 transition, Elenora shares what she will be doing to prepare for September. Every September I ask my new batch of year 7s the same question: what kind of science experiments […]
Read moreFinding focus in the new academic year When we published the blogs related to remote learning, the one question we asked ourselves is what we could do as publishers to help teachers preparing for a return to school in September. Here Aaron Wilkes and Lindsay Bruce explain some of the ways that OUP might help […]
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