An eternal challenge with language learning is bridging the gap between students’ interests and their beginner language level, so what can we do to ensure they stay motivated?
Read moreAn eternal challenge with language learning is bridging the gap between students’ interests and their beginner language level, so what can we do to ensure they stay motivated?
Read moreStudents learning in the classroom In October 2022, Ofsted published a report on supporting struggling readers in secondary schools after visiting six schools where a higher-than-expected proportion of struggling readers got a grade 4 or above in GCSE English language. In its conclusion, Ofsted notes that: “School leaders understood the need to identify specific reading gaps and weaknesses, and […]
Read moreInclusion is one of those words we hear often in education but what does it really mean and what does it look like? Emmanuel Awoyelu shares some ways you can create an inclusive environment for your students
Read moreI am the head of MFL and a member of the research team in a large semi-rural comprehensive on the south coast. We have a very inclusive and affirming city environment, and a diverse and colourful student and staff population. Since 2018 we have run a weekly LGBTQ+ club (even somehow maintaining a presence during the periods […]
Read moreJose Garcia shares what he keeps in mind when he’s planning lessons or writing resources to help make MFL more inclusive.
Read moreAs the winter months start to recede, the education community is faced with the reality that so far this year, teaching and learning continues to be dominated, in a wide variety of ways, by Covid. The prevalence of the Omicron variant has resulted in a high incidence of teacher and student absences and many learners […]
Read moreFind out how running an Inter Faith Week is a valuable experience for students and staff alike and get ideas to help you run one in your school.
Read moreYou can find lots more great advice and practical support for students and parents on our A Level hub ! When it comes to preparing for exams you may feel bombarded with advice coming from lots of different sources to the point that you don’t know where to begin. It may not feel easy to begin with, but by […]
Read moreLibby Isaac discusses how history and classics offer a safe space to think and interrogate ideas, offering a great foundation for a diverse curriculum.
Read moreThe importance of wellbeing has been an ever-present thought at our academy, especially over the last few years. The most prominent reason being the pandemic. Which has shown that it is paramount to look after the wellbeing of both staff and students. Since I became a teacher in 2017, there have been a lot of […]
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