Topic clustering ties learning outcomes from several topics (and even subjects) together. It focuses on a group of similar smaller concepts being taught together, to encourage a better understanding of big ideas and new knowledge.
Read moreTopic clustering ties learning outcomes from several topics (and even subjects) together. It focuses on a group of similar smaller concepts being taught together, to encourage a better understanding of big ideas and new knowledge.
Read moreIn my previous blog ‘ Four Stages of Reimagining the Classroom’ , I presented the fictional Hammerhill Academy’s English Department and their journey to setting up a virtual learning provision. Since then it would be fair to say that Hammerhill – like all real schools across the U.K – would have gone through a rapidly transformational voyage of virtual learning discovery. The most […]
Read moreWe’re hearing from lots of you how challenging it can be to find the right balance to help parents support their children with learning at home during school closures, without overwhelming them. Here are just a few suggestions for simple (and fun!) ways parents can help maintain their children’s core English and maths skills, using […]
Read moreThis month’s reading list is full of books about pets and animals, great for building children’s empathy and introducing difficult topics.
Read moreHere are some handy comprehension resources and simple ideas to share with parents to help them support their children’s reading comprehension during school closures.
Read moreFor those children who are in the early stages of learning to read, one of your top priorities is going to be ensuring they keep up momentum while they’re learning at home. But for many parents, especially if they learnt to read differently when they were at school themselves, phonics is completely new – and […]
Read moreDiscover what’s available to you now, for free, to support remote learning for Read Write Inc. Phonics.
Read moreOver the past weeks and months, we’ve all had to adapt to uncertainty, and being flexible has become a necessity for schools, pupils and parents alike – and you’re all doing an amazing job! Now that you’ve had the chance to try out new approaches inside and outside of the classroom, it’s a good point […]
Read moreFinding focus in the new academic year When we published the blogs related to remote learning, the one question we asked ourselves is what we could do as publishers to help teachers preparing for a return to school in September. Here Aaron Wilkes and Lindsay Bruce explain some of the ways that OUP might help […]
Read moreSo, we are now in July, and according to the government, we are through the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and life is beginning to break out of lockdown. We have had about a quarter of the calendar year and more than ten teaching weeks away from our classrooms and we are starting to welcome […]
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