Here’s our selection of sporty reading recommendations to get children moving. Find stories and free eBooks to keep them active over the summer months, from adrenalin-fuelled extreme sports to football-playing zombies.
Read moreHere’s our selection of sporty reading recommendations to get children moving. Find stories and free eBooks to keep them active over the summer months, from adrenalin-fuelled extreme sports to football-playing zombies.
Read moreAprender a dudar es aprender a pensar (‘Learning to doubt is learning to think’). -Octavio Paz In March this year, school life as we know it shuddered to a halt, and as we write, when and under what guise it will fully return remains unclear. Over the past few months, teachers and students will have […]
Read moreHow do we support key year groups, now and on our return to school? and what do we do for those who can’t return at the same time? These are the questions we all wish we knew the answers to, aren’t they? The truth is I don’t think that anyone has the magic fix, that […]
Read moreIt is safe to say that there will be a pressing urge to ‘get back to normal’ when schools resume. However, it will be important to make space for recovery work: the conversations, routines, and relationships that help a school flourish. It is also important to remember that there is likely to be a wider […]
Read moreOn Friday 20th March, it was announced that all UK schools would close to staff and most pupils in a bid to tackle the spread of Covid-19. Immediately teachers started to do what teachers do best – they began the tricky job of ensuring that both the students who would be at home for the […]
Read moreHead of Biology Amelia Kyriakides discusses the ways in which her department has adapted to home learning and how the strategies they’ve developed will continue to benefit her GCSE cohorts on their return to school. For many of us, adapting for home learning meant rapidly rethinking lesson planning. Quick decisions needed to be made based […]
Read moreI think if there’s something that the partial school closures have taught me it’s about the aspects of the job that I take for granted. It’s easy to forget the enjoyment of actually being in the classroom, especially on really busy days with back to back lessons. There’s even something to be said about being […]
Read moreAnd what are we looking forward to? Secondary English teacher, Gwen Nelson reflects on the last few months especially the things she has started to miss. And what exactly is she looking forward to about getting back into the classroom again full time? Firstly, let’s be abundantly clear. Suddenly being thrust into remote teaching has […]
Read moreA list bursting with books that will do wonders for wellbeing. From colourful stories to reassure children that it’s ok to worry, and valuable lessons about being kind, to inspiration for getting active and staying healthy, let’s take some time out to look after ourselves, and each other.
Read moreTeachers have had to respond to the challenge of the school closures due to COVID-19. Just as we are getting used to a ‘new normal,’ we are having to adapt to the uncertainty and difficulty of the recovery period. Despite our best efforts to deliver our existing curricula, its impact will be greatly variable for […]
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