In this blog, Dr Andrew Chandler-Grevatt exemplifies how the KS3 science curriculum behind Oxford Smart Activate supports science departments to enact the recommended practices regarding intent, implementation and impact.
Read moreIn this blog, Dr Andrew Chandler-Grevatt exemplifies how the KS3 science curriculum behind Oxford Smart Activate supports science departments to enact the recommended practices regarding intent, implementation and impact.
Read moreChanges to the new Ofsted Inspection Framework may have left you wondering what a new Ofsted inspection focusing on maths might involve, and how best to prepare. That’s where we can help you.
Read moreThe 2018 PISA results see England moving up the PISA leader board for mathematics. After several years of intensive focus and investment from the DfE, particularly in Primary maths, this is welcome news. However, the trends underlying the headline results remind us that improving student outcomes in mathematics is a long game. Singapore continue to reap the benefits […]
Read moreIt’s a bright, crisp September morning and I’m sitting in a hall, surrounded by shell-shocked teachers as we all adjust to the Autumn term and the return of our early morning get-up time. As I listen to the announcements and take part in the discussions, I realise the same words keep popping up: Ofsted, cultural […]
Read moreRebecca Geoghegan responds to the launch of the Education Inspection Framework and considers I think the word that most resonates with me is ‘connect’. The new EIF outlines that inspections will focus on looking at the connections between all elements of education – the curriculum, the lessons, the books, the student’ outcomes – and consider […]
Read moreAs you’re probably already aware, a new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework will come into force in England in September 2019. You can get an overview of what the new Framework means for primary schools in our series of blog posts , where we’ve taken a closer look at the Framework, alongside the new School Inspection Handbook that Ofsted inspectors […]
Read moreA personal view by Michael Maddison Biography: Michael Maddison served as Ofsted’s National Lead for history at Ofsted from 2008 to 2015. He now works as a leading educational consultant but still undertakes inspection work for Ofsted. He is Associate Vice President of the Historical Association, a director and judge for the Heritage EducationTrust and […]
Read moreIf you’ve already read the previous blog posts in our series to help you prepare for the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework , you’ll know that how well pupils are taught to read will be prioritised as a main inspection activity in Primary schools from September 2019. But what does the Framework specifically say about phonics? We’ve taken a closer look and pulled out five key things that […]
Read moreAs you’re probably already aware, a new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework will come into force in September 2019. You can get an overview of the new Framework in our blog post ‘The new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework: What’s changed?’ We’ve taken a closer look at the Framework, alongside the new School Inspection Handbook that Ofsted inspectors will be using, and have pulled out […]
Read moreBy Gemma Bott At last the final half term of the year has arrived. The time of year when you can get caught up with all of those jobs you’ve been putting off or just not had time to do. For secondary school teachers, exam classes have left, hopefully leaving extra PPA time in the […]
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