In our blog, literacy coordinator Thomas Hoole shares insight on how Oxford Smart Quest has made a difference in vocabulary development at Fisher More High School.
Read moreIn our blog, literacy coordinator Thomas Hoole shares insight on how Oxford Smart Quest has made a difference in vocabulary development at Fisher More High School.
Read moreDespite optionality this year, the AQA course is lengthy. If you are doing it over 2 years, it needs to be covered at the rate of knots and so therefore retrieval practice (RP) should be a welcome guest in every classroom! Put simply, RP is the strategy of calling information to mind which enhances and […]
Read moreMCQs are a quick way to test knowledge and refresh past topics! This issue of VoicED focuses on why they are so important, including top revision tips and more!
Read moreFinding focus in the new academic year When we published the blogs related to remote learning, the one question we asked ourselves is what we could do as publishers to help teachers preparing for a return to school in September. Here Aaron Wilkes and Lindsay Bruce explain some of the ways that OUP might help […]
Read moreHow many of our students rely mainly on reading through notes or revision guides, thinking this is how to revise? Unfortunately they are practising recognition, not free recall, and it can be very misleading. They feel they know the material because they have learnt it a few months ago and recognise it, but this is […]
Read moreAdam Boxer, one of the authors of the new Oxford Revise series, explains how its Knowledge, Retrieval, Practice model leads to truly effective revision. If you’re anything like me, one of the questions you’ll be asked the most by students is how they should revise. Most students and parents don’t really know how to do it. So […]
Read moreLearning science involves the acquisition and retention of a large body of knowledge. To be useful, both in assessments and in everyday life, this knowledge needs to be stored durably in memory. Knowledge also needs to be accessible when attempts are made to retrieve it. Aware that students felt overwhelmed by the quantity of content […]
Read moreIf you have been roaming through the education blogosphere or edutwitter you will have started to notice an increase in the reference of SLOP. What is SLOP? SLOP stands for ‘Shed Loads of Practice’. The term SLOP was coined by Adam Boxer and Ruth Walker in the early stages in the formation of CogSciSci , a group of teachers and […]
Read moreBy Dom Shibli FCCT Dom is a Senior Lecturer in Secondary Science at the University of Hertfordshire. He is a proud founding fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and contributes to the CogSciSci website. He applauds the use of cognitive science within the teaching profession but hopes that it doesn’t become the next fad […]
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