Open days/mornings/evenings are a chance to showcase the great work you do in your department: the event may be aimed at potential GCSE/A Level candidates or it may be for prospective pupils (and their parents) who are entirely new to the school. Whatever the audience here are five ideas to help you make the most […]
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Experimentation is the essence of learning science. Learning science without practical work is like learning literature without reading books. This has been the mantra for science teaching, in the UK at least, since universal science education began in the 1980s. But with school and college budgets reducing, practical work is under scrutiny as never before, […]
Read moreYou probably saw the announcement over the summer that geography has seen the biggest rise in popularity of any subject at A Level , prompting articles from the TES and the Guardian praising the subject. With geography attracting all this attention and with specification changes underway at both GCSE and A Level it seems a good time to re-consider what our subject is about and why it matters. It is also a […]
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