What can we learn from the AQA A Level Psychology 2019 Examiner’s Reports?

Examiner’s REPORTS

The examiners were pleased that students had been well prepared for the specification, and had gained considerable knowledge. There were some concerns about the accuracy of material students are coming across online, and it’s important that we should guide them towards more reliable sources, and teach them to be critical and check facts. There were […]

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Juliet – and Romeo

Romeo and Juliet blog

Themes that are understood Romeo & Juliet is sometimes perceived as ‘just too silly’. I disagree. In my experience teenage students relate to R&J and enjoy it. Why? Because the themes are themes they understand. The characters are people they can to some extent relate to. Although it’s a tragedy (and I must admit I […]

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Effective Revision

For the first few years of my teaching career, I would set revision lessons without much expectation. If you were going to do a test, you should at least give some chance of success by providing the lesson before for ‘revision’. I would often provide a list of suggested activities that students could pick from: […]

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