Good schools have always known the fundamental importance of building positive relationships in order to create successful learning environments. But relationships are much easier to build when face-to-face than in the online world, so how can schools keep their communities connected if remote learning is still the only option? Relationships – the key to happiness […]
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Being in the midst of a pandemic means there has never been a better time to focus on the importance of relationships and connection in schools, as well as the wellbeing of students and teachers. But, it shouldn’t have to take a global health emergency for us to prioritise the things that research has been […]
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It’s often the friends that we make at school who will stay with us for the rest of our lives. That’s why this month’s reading list celebrates International Day of Friendship on 30th July. With a little help from our friends, anything is possible, so take some time to celebrate the value of friendship in your classroom with these […]
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