It’s often the friends that we make at school who will stay with us for the rest of our lives. That’s why this month’s reading list celebrates International Day of Friendship on 30th July. With a little help from our friends, anything is possible, so take some time to celebrate the value of friendship in your classroom with these dynamic duos, perfect pairings and tremendous teams!
Oxford Reading Tree Story Sparks
Oxford Level 3 (Reception/P1)
Fee finds an umbrella in the desert but has no idea what it is or what it does. It could be for digging, or a hook, or even a hat… In fact, it could be anything! When it gets hot, Fee and her friend Gus find out together that, whatever it is, it is very useful indeed.
Take a look at the whole Level 3 pack or find Thing on Amazon.

This book is also available on Oxford Reading Buddy, with accompanying quiz to test comprehension.
Ben’s Gift
Project X Hero Academy
Oxford Level 4 (Year 1/P2)
It’s great to do nice things for our friends, that’s why Ben feels bad that he hasn’t got Pip a birthday gift. After a visit to Mrs Baker, he decides to make her a birthday cake, but his super powers aren’t much use when it comes to speeding things up. Join the heroes as they celebrate together!
Take a look at the whole Level 4 pack or find Ben’s Gift on Amazon.

Find a quiz to test comprehension for this book on
Oxford Reading Buddy.
Zak and Zee
Project X Origins
Oxford Level 4 (Reception-Year 2/P1-3)
Zee keeps asking Zak to tea, but he keeps ignoring him. It turns out that there’s a very good reason why, but can their friendship blossom against the odds? Find out in this Project X Origins guided reading book, designed to deepen children’s comprehension skills.
Take a look at the whole Level 4 pack.

This book is also available on Oxford Reading Buddy, with accompanying quiz to test comprehension.
Oxford Reading Tree Story Sparks
Oxford Level 6 (Year 1/P2)
Snoot finds most things scary, especially a bad dream that keeps coming back, but he must face his fears to save his best friend, Milton. This beautifully illustrated and phonically decodable Story Sparks book follows Snoot’s changing emotions and feelings and shows just how powerful friendship can be.
Take a look at the whole Level 6 pack or find Snoot on Amazon.

This book is also available on Oxford Reading Buddy, with accompanying quiz to test comprehension.
Oh Otto!
TreeTops Fiction
Oxford Level 9 (Years 2-4/P3-5)
Otto is from outer space, so when he starts at his new Earth school, he’s bound to make a few mistakes. Some of his classmates decide they don’t like him, but can they overcome their differences and become friends? This is a great starting point for conversations about being open-minded when it comes to forming friendships with new people.
Read it now in the free Oxford Owl eBook library or take a look at the whole Level 9 pack.
The Three Musketeers
TreeTops Classics
Level 15 (Years 3-5/P4-6)
The classic tale of a band of brave and loyal swordsmen who foil a plot against the Queen is retold for younger readers to enjoy. The TreeTops Classics series provides an accessible route into a rich literary heritage, making it perfect for the National Curriculum.
Take a look at the whole Level 15 pack of find The Three Musketeers on Amazon.

Find a quiz to test comprehension for this book on
Oxford Reading Buddy.
Georgie and Me
TreeTops Reflect
Level 17 (Years 4-6/P5-7)
Abi wants a dog more than anything in the world, so when Georgie comes bounding and wagging into her life, he proves that a dog really is man’s best friend. And it turns out Abi needs him more than she thought when she and her best friend start to drift apart. Use this TreeTops Reflect story to get your class thinking about how to support their friends and develop respectful relationships.
Take a look at the whole Level 16-17 pack or find Georgie and Me on Amazon.

Find a quiz to test comprehension for this book on
Oxford Reading Buddy.
Alison Hawes
Oxford Reading Buddy Coaching eBook
Oxford Level 2 (Ages 4-7)
Will Hippo help Peck? Will Peck help Hippo? This is a heart-warming story of friendship and learning to work together.
Peck is a Coaching eBook containing a personalised reading buddy who supports the child as they read and asks questions to deepen comprehension. Peck is available as part of a subscription to Oxford Reading Buddy.
What’s That in Dog Years?
Ben Davis
Age 9+
George and Gizmo are best friends, that’s why George writes Gizmo a bucket list, so they can share a few more adventures together. This heartfelt yet hilarious book uses funny fiction to explore the idea of loss with children through the touching relationship between a boy and his dog.
Buy What’s That in Dog Years? and find more books by Ben Davis on our website.
Feeling all warm and fuzzy at the thought of all those fabulous friendships? Share the stories with your class!
Make sure you don’t miss our next brilliant bunch of books by subscribing to the blog.
Until then, register for free on Oxford Owl to try out the Oxford BookMatch tool to help you create your very own list of stories to share by level, topic and more.