Do you have students with varying levels of English in your classes? Wondering how you can ensure all your students achieve reading fluency with Read Write Inc. Phonics? Experienced Reading Leader, Jane Spicer, talks to us about her continued success implementing Read Write Inc. Phonics in a school where there is a wide range of […]
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In this blog, find 5 exciting spelling tips to help children become better spellers and build a lasting understanding of spelling rules and exceptions.
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Read this blog for ideas to engage parents and carers with developing good reading habits with their nursery-aged children at home, including downloadable worksheets to print which are perfect for sending home.
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We’ve selected a winter-themed traditional tale and poem from the resources in your Oxford Owl subscription, to help your Reception and Year 1 children engage with stories and poems. Storytime and Poetry Time resources Both sets of resources are designed for use in a whole class setting, outside of phonics lessons, for example, at the […]
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