Author and illustrator Charlotte Middleton introduces the wonderful Christopher Nibble’s latest eco-adventure! Coming up with an idea for the next Christopher Nibble story was a bit of a challenge. We’ve already established that Christopher is a plucky, forward thinking and considerate guinea pig. In his adventures so far he’s prevented the whole town of Dandeville from running […]
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Sally Prue on the influence of her childhood on her latest novel, Song Hunter : the story of a girl at the dawn of the Ice Age. ‘Hm,’ said my husband Roger. ‘This is a very autobiographical novel, isn’t it.’ Now the startling thing about Roger’s comment is that the book in question was my novel Song Hunter; and Song Hunter is not […]
Read moreAward-winning author Gillian Cross writes about the inspiration for her latest novel, After Tomorrow – a dark survival thriller scarily close to home . . . Ideas can come from very unexpected places. After Tomorrow takes place in England and France, but it started with a picture of boys in Africa. I was doing some work with a charity […]
Read moreJoanna Nadin on that hallowed object, the teenage diary, and the influence of her teenage years on the hilarious Rachel Riley Diaries. One of the most-oft asked questions of writers is: “Is the book autobiographical?” Or “Is there any of you in there?” The easy answer is that every book contains a little of its […]
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