Champion teachers

exceptional teachers

What do really exceptional teachers do, that good teachers don’t? This is a very under-researched question but we are beginning to get some answers. What makes brilliant teachers brilliant is not who they are, but what they do in the classroom, and some of the techniques they use anyone could adopt. Doug Lemov works in […]

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Confusing Concentrations

By Sam Holyman Are you concentrating at the end of term?  At school we are getting ready for the new academic year, sorting labs, stock taking and making sure everything is labelled.  And concentration has become the hot topic of debate! We use the term concentration all the time, and in everyday life this gets […]

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Effective Revision

For the first few years of my teaching career, I would set revision lessons without much expectation. If you were going to do a test, you should at least give some chance of success by providing the lesson before for ‘revision’. I would often provide a list of suggested activities that students could pick from: […]

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